

Episode Summary

A new series about the decision to become a parent during the climate crisis or remain childfree. New episodes out Thursdays.

Episode Notes

A new series about the decision to become a parent during the climate crisis or remain childfree. New episodes out Thursdays.

Episode Transcription

Hannah: It's like a tug of war in my brain and like it honestly can change sometimes like by the week.

Host: Expectant is a new show about a big decision.

Britt Wray: You know, there's never the right time to have a child, and humanity has always faced enormous crises. This is perhaps a different unprecedented one.

Host: Why would you do this?

What if they're scared for their whole. What if they regret my choice?

Why would you do this?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: It does lead young people to have a legitimate question, you know, is is it okay to still still have children?

Marjory: Parenting is what everybody has always done, but it is also an act of hope.

Emma: Hopefully in 15 years they'll look back and be like, can you believe that it got so bad there for a minute.

Him: What do you want to do?

Her: I don't know.

Host: Expectant a new series that sits on the fence between imagination and reality, between becoming a parent during the climate crisis or staying child free. New episodes out in May.